YITH WooCommerce Multi-Step Checkout Premium


YITH WooCommerce Multi-Step Checkout allows you to split your checkout process into steps. Assist your customers during the purchase and make them feel safe by showing them where in the process they are and what the next step is.

  • Lifetime Auto Update
  • Unlimited Sites
  • GPL License
Version: 2.31.0
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024
Developer: YITH
Developer URL: Product Page


  • You can set the checkout type that your users prefer: many A/B split tests have proved that online buyers prefer a neat view without too many fields on the same page when ending the checkout process.
  • You can substantially reduce the percentage of abandoned carts caused by a too long checkout page and with too many fields to fill in.
  • You can reduce the number of steps and the cognitive effort required to the user by combining some steps of the checkout process into one (Billing & Shipping, Order info & Payment).
  • Choose among 10 different layouts for the timeline of your multi-step checkout
  • Customize the timeline colors: a checkout that suits every style and theme
  • Choose whether to show icons or numbers for your checkout steps
  • Merge Billing / Shipping and Order info / Payment steps to reduce the number of steps
  • Enable AJAX validation for every step
  • Disable the Shipping step with just one click

YITH WooCommerce Multi-Step Checkout Premium creates a multi-step structure helping customers of your online shop feel more comfortable during the payment as they understand which step of the process they are in.

During the checkout, customers are generally required to add a lot of details on the same page and this process might seem long and confusing.

A multi-step checkout helps to sort data and split them into different sections displayed one after the other: this makes it much clearer from the customer’s point of view. It reduces the possibility of messing up information or making errors while filling in the forms. Cart abandonment and other common problems of websites with complex checkouts are greatly reduced.

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