OceanWP Hooks


With OceanWP Hooks, add your custom content throughout various areas of OceanWP without using child theme.

  • Lifetime Auto Update
  • Unlimited Sites
  • GPL License
Version: 2.1.0
Last Updated: Sep 11, 2023
Developer: OceanWP
Developer URL: Product Page


  • Add different content for the same hook location
  • Add shortcode
  • Add PHP code
  • Add content only for logged in/out users
  • Display your code on the page/post/taxonomy you want
  • Display your code on the user role you want

Ocean Hooks allows customised content to be added to any part of a WordPress site using shortcodes and PHP code. Featuring a simple and intuitive interface, it can be used by developers and novices alike.

Add your custom content throughout various areas of OceanWP without using child theme, this way all changes will not be lost after a theme update.


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